Memorializing Meagher Park on Your Way Home by Sue Goyette

“Memorializing Meagher Park on Your Way Home” is a poem by Sue Goyette.

This poem originally appeared as a poster handwritten by the poet on plywood. The poster was fixed to the fence at Meagher Park on December 29, 2023, and removed two days later.

Typset and designed by Annick MacAskill, this pamphlet is printed in a limited run of fifty copies.

Out of print.

about the poet:

Sue Goyette lives in Kjipuktuk (Halifax), in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Mi’kmaq. She has published nine books of poems and a novel.

Sue has been nominated for several awards, including the 2014 Griffin Poetry Prize and the Governor General’s Award, and has won the CBC Literary Prize for Poetry, the Earle Birney, the Bliss Carman, the Pat Lowther, the J.M. Abraham Award, the Relit Award, and the 2015 Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia Masterworks Arts. Sue teaches in the Creative Writing Program at Dalhousie University and has been the Halifax Municipal Poet Laureate since 2020.

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